Business Engagement Team
Business Engagement Specialist Team (BEST)

ORS has a specialized unit, the Business Engagement Specialist Team (BEST), which consists of a team of experienced professionals, who market ORS’s services to the business community by educating businesses of the role of ORS and supporting their staffing needs, screening and identifying qualified job applicants, dispel myths around employing individuals with disabilities through education, and educating Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors and job seekers about labor market demand. These services are at no cost to you.
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) can help you diversify your workforce with qualified, motivated, dependable employees at no cost to you by:
- Recruiting pre-screened, qualified applicants
- Providing a reliable, consistent long-term partnership
- Providing opportunities for no cost work trials
- Informing you about Work Opportunity Tax Credit & other work incentives
- Customized consulting/training to meet your needs such as disability awareness, accommodation, assistive technology, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance
Benefits of hiring our candidates for employment:
- Talents and skills that match businesses workforce needs
- Motivated, dependable employees
- Increasing job retention / lowering employer turnover
- Inclusive, diverse workforce
- Workplace innovation – new people/innovative ideas
- Inclusive, diverse workforce
- Customized comprehensive task analysis
- Referral services for current employees
- Support in marketing and advertising for talent
People with disabilities are an untapped source of talented, reliable and hard-working employees. Hundreds of Rhode Island businesses have enriched their workforces by hiring people with disabilities.
Our workforce development staff work closely with private-sector businesses, business groups and industry organizations to understand and address their current and future workforce needs.
Let the Office of Rehabilitation Services be your resource for qualified workers. ORS works with each job seeker to identify their strengths that qualify them for a particular job.
For more information, please contact Assistant Administrator - Vendor Affairs/Workforce Development, Michael Montanaro, at 401-787-0564, or by email at