Reports included under Publications include:
Annual Reports: The Rehabilitation Services Administration requires that all grantees submit this jointly prepared report completed annually by the State Rehabilitation Council and the Office of Rehabilitation Services. These reports highlight the accomplishments of ORS and the individuals we have served. Take a moment to enjoy our many success stories from past years.
Fact Sheets/Brochures: If you are looking for specific information on services that the Office of Rehabilitation Services provides, you will be able to find information here.
State Plan Updates: The vocational rehabilitation services portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan must identify the goals and priorities of the State in carrying out the program in order to be eligible to receive funds under this part for a fiscal year. The State Plan updates outline how this will be done.
Other Publications: The Comprehensive Needs Assessment is intended to determine the rehabilitation needs of Rhode Islanders with disabilities, identify the needs of individuals with the most significant disabilities, including those in need of Supported Employment, minorities with significant disabilities, underserved individuals, youth with disabilities and individuals served by other components of the workforce development network. Also, the Comprehensive Needs Assessment is intended to identify the need to develop or improve Community Rehabilitation Programs.