Welcome ORS would like to welcome it's 7 new Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors. Fernanda Furtado - VRCii; Alisha Plante - VRCi; Amanda Marcaccio - VRCi; Lysah Bautista - VRCi; Jeremy Martland-Kile - VRCi; John Gillard - VRCi; Joanna Pomykala - VRCii
Governor's Advisory Council For The Blind The Council is an advisory body appointed by the Governor and mandated by state law. The Council's duties include: Advising the Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired regarding the programs provided by the agency. Continuing to participate in a working relationship with the State Rehabilitation Council and the Statewide Independent Living Council. Providing oversight responsibility to the Independent Living Program for the Elderly Blind. Performing functions, as the Council deems appropriate, for the operation of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Current List of Council Members Meeting Notices Minutes