State Plan Updates

2024-2027 VR Portion of State Plan - Approved Revision.5.2024

2018 VR Portion of State Plan - re-submitted revised 6/19/2018

2018 VR Portion of State Plan - Submitted (4/13/18)

Revised VR Portion of 2017 State Plan (12/2017)

Archived State Plan Public Hearings

2017 (2/4/16)(video- 1.7GB)

2015 (5/22/14) (video Pt 1- 2017.34MB (Pt 2)

2014 (5/23/13 ) (video- 1,506,816KB)

2013 (5/17/12)

2012 (5/19/11 )

2011 ( 5/27/10)