National Voter Registration Day NATIONAL VOTER REGISTRATION DAY with the Caravan for Disability Freedom and JusticeSEPTEMBER 17, 2024 from 11AM-2PM
Proposed Rules And Regulations 3/28/2023 Public Notice SBVI/Social Services/IL Program Regulations 3/27/2023 Public Notice VR Program Regulations Proposed 3/22/2018 - reposted 4/19/2018 Repealed (ORS Policy Manual) Adopting (VR Program Regulations) (SBVI - Social Services/Independent Living Units) (Business Enterprises Program Regulations) Proposed 2/10/2016 Proposed 12/28/2015 Proposed 12/28/2014 Proposed 2/19/2013 Proposed 2/22/2011