Services That May Be Provided
After applying for vocational rehabilitation services and being determined eligible, the eligible individual with a disability and a Qualified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor will work together to develop an employment plan called the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). The Employment Plan considers the individual's unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, skills, abilities, preferences, capabilities, interests, and values, as well as the barriers to employment. The Employment Plan identifies the employment goal that the individual has chosen, the time it is expected to reach the goal, the services that the individual chooses as necessary to reach the employment goal, and how the services will be provided.
Some of the services may be provided directly by the VR Counselor, others may be available through other public sources such as netWORKri (One Stop Career Centers), and others may be purchased with funds provided by the VR agency. The individual may develop the Employment Plan with the assistance of the VR Counselor, another individual, or by him or herself. The VR Counselor is always available to provide assistance in this process.
A Qualified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor who works for the public VR program must approve the Employment Plan before any services are provided through the VR agency. The partnership between each individual with a disability and their Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor is a key component in the Vocational Rehabilitation process.
What are the costs involved with the vocational rehabilitation services?
Many vocational rehabilitation services are paid for by ORS. However, you may be asked to share in the cost of other services, depending on your ability to pay and your resources (such as insurance and any other resources that are available to you).
Services that may be provided include:
Vocational counseling will help you to better understand your potential, to rely on your abilities, to set realistic vocational goals, to change them when necessary, to develop successful work habits, and to begin a satisfying career. Counseling is available throughout your rehabilitation program.
Medical, psychological, and audiological examinations and tests used to better understand your disability and your needs for specific types of services.
Education to prepare you for a job including, but not limited to, basic academic, vocational/technical, college, on-the-job training, independent living skills, and personal and work adjustment training.
Aptitude, interest, general ability, academic exams, work tolerance, and "hands-on" job experience used to understand your vocational potential.
Medical services and equipment such as physical and occupational therapy, wheelchairs, and automobile hand controls can be provided to enable you to pursue and achieve employment.
Counseling, job-seeking programs, job clubs, and job development used to increase your ability to get a job. You will receive ideas, practice, and advise on finding job leads, filling out applications, getting interviews for a job, and on how to interview. Your counselor may also give you job leads or contact employers about available tax credits and hiring incentives. The more contacts with employers you make, the better your chances are of finding a job.
Assistive technology includes a wide range of devices and services that can empower persons with disabilities to maximize employment, independence and integration into society.
Other services are provided for eligible persons if they are necessary for you to start and maintain employment. Such services may include:
- Room, board, and transportation costs during an evaluation or while completing a rehabilitation program.
- Occupational tools, licenses, or equipment.
- Home modifications, adaptive or special household equipment in order to help you get ready to go to and be on time for your job.
- Van or car modifications, including special driving devices or lifting devices to enable you to travel to your job.
- Personal care assistance provided to help you with your daily needs in order to enable you to participate in a vocational rehabilitation program.
- Job site modifications that will enable you to get and keep a job.
- Independent living training to provide the means for you to become more self-sufficient and thereby make it possible for you to participate in employment.
- Text Telephone (TT), signaling devices, hearing aids, and interpreters services may be provided to help you communicate.
- Specialized services such as Rehabilitation Teaching, and Orientation and Mobility Training for persons who are blind or visually impaired.
What Are Some Services After an Employment Goal is Achieved?
Employment is the successful outcome for the individual with a disability and the VR program. Once employed, however, the VR agency may assist with post-employment services to assist the individual to retain or advance in employment.
If you are interested in applying for services, see How to Apply.